Carnivore Egg & Bacon Muffins

Are you looking for a quick, easy, and delicious breakfast option that fits perfectly into your carnivore lifestyle? Look no further than these mouthwatering carnivore bacon breakfast muffins! Packed with protein and bursting with flavor, these muffins are sure to become a staple in your morning routine.

Carnivore Egg & Bacon Muffins

Made with just a handful of ingredients, including egg whites and savory Canadian bacon, these muffins are not only tasty but also incredibly simple to prepare. Whether you’re rushing out the door or enjoying a leisurely weekend brunch, these carnivore-friendly muffins are the perfect choice.

In this post, I will guide you through the steps to create these irresistible carnivore muffins, complete with optional egg yolk toppings for an extra touch of richness.

Carnivore Egg & Bacon Muffins Recipe

👍 Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Quick and Easy Preparation- One of the best things about this recipe is how quick and easy it is to prepare. With just a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time, you can have a delicious breakfast ready in no time. 

Protein-Packed Breakfast- These carnivore bacon breakfast muffins are an excellent way to start your day with a protein-rich meal. Egg whites are a great source of lean protein, while Canadian bacon adds an extra boost of protein and flavor. 

Meal Prep-Friendly- This recipe is perfect for meal prepping. You can easily double or triple the recipe and make a large batch of muffins to last throughout the week. 

Egg & Bacon Muffins

✨ Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 1/2 cups Egg Whites
  • 20 slices Canadian bacon (diced)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • Optional: Egg Yolks

👨‍🍳 How To Make

Easily make these egg white muffins. Here are the steps:

Step 1

Start by preheating the oven to 350°F (175°C) and spraying a muffin/cupcake tin with baking spray.

Step 2

Evenly distribute the diced Canadian bacon among the muffin tin cups. Pour the egg whites over the bacon, filling each cup just shy of the top.

Step 3

Sprinkle salt and pepper on top of each muffin. You can also add more bacon on top for extra flavor.

Step 4

Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the egg whites are cooked through. To check for doneness, insert a toothpick into the center of a muffin; it should come out clean. Optional: add a whole egg yolk on top of some of the muffins after about 20 minutes of cooking.

Step 5

Allow the muffins to cool in the tin for 10-15 minutes before removing them. Serve warm and enjoy your delicious carnivore bacon breakfast muffins!


1. Season to Taste

While the recipe calls for salt and pepper to taste, don’t be afraid to experiment with other seasonings and herbs to customize the flavor of your muffins.

Consider adding a pinch of garlic powder, onion powder, or dried herbs like thyme, rosemary, or parsley to enhance the savory notes of the Canadian bacon and egg whites. But remember- if you are following a 100% strict carnivore diet – stick to just salt and pepper.

carnivore muffins

2. Allow Muffins to Cool Before Removing

Once your egg white muffins are done baking, it’s important to let them cool in the tin for 10-15 minutes before attempting to remove them. This cooling time allows the muffins to set and firm up, making them easier to remove from the tin without falling apart.

If you try to remove the muffins too soon, they may stick to the tin or break, resulting in a less than ideal presentation. During the cooling time, the muffins will also continue to cook slightly from the residual heat, ensuring that they are fully cooked through. 

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Carnivore Egg & Bacon Muffins

Carnivore Egg & Bacon Muffins

The best carnivore diet breakfast muffins! Made with egg whites, yolks and bacon. Tasty and pakced with protein. Enjoy!
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  • 1 1/2 cups Egg Whites
  • 20 slices Canadian bacon (diced)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • Optional: Egg Yolks
  • Start by preheating the oven to 350°F (175°C) and spraying a muffin/cupcake tin with baking spray.
  • Evenly distribute the diced Canadian bacon among the muffin tin cups. Pour the egg whites over the bacon, filling each cup just shy of the top.
  • Sprinkle salt and pepper on top of each muffin. You can also add more bacon on top for extra flavor.
  • Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the egg whites are cooked through. To check for doneness, insert a toothpick into the center of a muffin; it should come out clean. Optional: add a whole egg yolk on top of some of the muffins after about 20 minutes of cooking.
  • Allow the muffins to cool in the tin for 10-15 minutes before removing them. Serve warm and enjoy your delicious carnivore bacon breakfast muffins!
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Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Keyword Carnivore Egg & Bacon Muffins


Calories: 200kcal
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 people
Calories: 200kcal
Cost: $15

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