Carnivore Pan Seared Scallops

This simple recipe for pan-seared carnivore scallops is a perfect addition to your meal rotation. If you’re following a carnivore diet and looking for a quick, satisfying dish, this one deserves your attention. 

Carnivore Pan Seared Scallops

Preparing these scallops is straightforward and doesn’t require any complicated techniques or hard-to-find ingredients. In just a few minutes, you can transform these tender sea morsels into a delicious main course or appetizer.

The key to success lies in getting a perfect sear, which creates a golden crust while keeping the inside tender and juicy. Whether you’re new to the carnivore diet or a seasoned follower, this dish is sure to become a favorite. 

👍 Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Quick to make- This recipe is perfect for busy days when you don’t have much time to cook. From start to finish, you can have a delicious meal on the table in less than 15 minutes. 

Carnivore Pan Seared Scallops Recipe

Few ingredients needed- With just a handful of ingredients, this recipe keeps things simple. You don’t need to stock up on a long list of items or worry about complex preparations. 

Easy to cook- Even if you’re not an experienced cook, you can master this recipe. As long as you can follow a few simple steps, you’ll be able to create a restaurant-quality dish at home.

✨ Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 lbs sea scallops (thawed)
  • 5 tablespoons Butter
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 tablespoon Beef Tallow / Butter (for step 2)
  • Optional: 4 Garlic Cloves (thinly sliced)

👨‍🍳 How To Make

Follow these steps to make the best pan-seared carnivore scallops:

Step 1

Pat the scallops dry and season them on both sides with salt.

Step 2

Preheat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the beef tallow / butter.

Step 3

Once the skillet is hot, add the scallops and sear them for 70-80 seconds without touching. They will form a golden crust.

Step 4

Flip the scallops and cook for another minute.

Step 5

Remove the scallops from the pan and reduce the heat to low. Add the 5 tablespoons of butter (and garlic if using) and allow it to melt.

Step 6

Pour the melted butter over the scallops. At this point, you can add more of your favorite seasonings. Enjoy!

Pan Seared Scallops


1. Drying the Scallops

After rinsing them (if necessary), place the scallops on a paper towel-lined plate. Use additional paper towels to gently press on the top and sides of each scallop, absorbing as much moisture as possible. Let them sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes before cooking, then give them one final pat dry.

This step ensures that you’ll get that coveted golden crust when searing, rather than having the scallops steam in their own moisture.

Pan Seared Scallops Recipe

2. Mastering the sear

To achieve the perfect sear, make sure your pan is hot before adding the scallops. Heat it over medium-high heat until you can feel the heat radiating when you hold your hand a few inches above the surface. Add the fat (beef tallow or butter) and let it heat until it’s shimmering but not smoking.

Place the scallops in the pan one by one, leaving space between each to prevent overcrowding. 

Carnivore Pan Seared Scallops
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Carnivore Pan Seared Scallops

Discover a simple yet delicious recipe for perfectly pan-seared scallops, tailored for the carnivore diet. Ideal for a quick, protein-packed meal.
150+ Carnivore Recipes
  • 1 lbs Sea Scallops (thawed)
  • 5 tablespoons Butter
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 tablespoon Beef Tallow / Butter (for step 2)
  • Optional: 4 Garlic Cloves (thinly sliced)
  • Pat the scallops dry and season them on both sides with salt.
  • Preheat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the beef tallow / butter.
  • Once the skillet is hot, add the scallops and sear them for 70-80 seconds without touching. They will form a golden crust.
  • Flip the scallops and cook for another minute.
  • Remove the scallops from the pan and reduce the heat to low. Add the 5 tablespoons of butter (and garlic if using) and allow it to melt.
  • Pour the melted butter over the scallops. At this point, you can add more of your favorite seasonings. Enjoy!
    Carnivore Pan Seared Scallops ketoandeat
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American
Keyword Carnivore Pan Seared Scallops


Calories: 200kcal
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 8 minutes
Servings: 2 people
Calories: 200kcal
Cost: $20
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