Carnivore Cookies

Chewy, crispy, and sweet – these carnivore cookies check all the boxes for a delicious treat that fits a carnivore diet. Made with nutrient-dense ingredients like collagen powder, pasture-raised eggs, and butter, these low-carb cookies will satisfy any sweet tooth craving.

carnivore cookies

The secret ingredient giving these cookies their irresistible texture? Pork rinds! When blended into a fine powder and baked, they provide a satisfying crunch that perfectly complements the rich, buttery cookie base. A touch of honey lends a hint of sweetness without going overboard on the carbs.

Whip up a batch to nosh on for dessert or enjoy with your morning coffee. Keep extras stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days – if they last that long! Read on for the full recipe and simple instructions for making these delicious carnivore-friendly cookies at home.

👍 Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Quick and Satisfying- With just a few ingredients that you likely have on hand, these cookies come together in minutes. Pop them in the oven, and soon you’ll have a hot, fresh batch ready to enjoy. Compared to traditional cookie recipes, this one saves you time without sacrificing taste.

cookies on carnivore

Packed With Protein– Each cookie delivers a solid hit of protein from nutrient-dense pork rinds and collagen powder. The protein will help keep you full and energized without spiking your blood sugar.

Nutrient Dense Ingredients– From high quality protein to healthy fats, these cookies provide a powerhouse of nutrition. 

✨ Recipe Ingredients

To make these carnivore-friendly cookies you will need:

  • 2 large Eggs
  • 5oz (140g) Pork Rinds – Use these pork rinds (Amazon link) for this recipe.
  • 1/3 cup Butter
  • 1/2 cup Honey (or use allulose syrup)
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons Collagen Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract / Cake Batter Extract

Optional: more honey to add as a glaze on top.

👨‍🍳 How To Make

Follow these steps to make the perfect carnivore cookies:

Step 1

Start by preheating your oven to 350F (175C). Then, blend the pork rinds in a blender until they resemble a powder.

Step 2

Place the butter in a glass container and heat it until melted.

Step 3

Combine the melted butter, honey (or allulose syrup), eggs, and vanilla in a mixing bowl until the mixture is smooth. Then, fold in the pork rinds, salt, and collagen powder.

Step 4

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place a small amount of cookie dough on the parchment paper. Use a circular object to cut out the cookie dough. Repeat for the remaining batter.

Step 5

Bake the cookies for about 14-15 minutes. After removing the cookies from the oven, let them cool down for at least 15 minutes. Enjoy these tasty carnivore cookies.

carnivore diet cookies


1. Achieving the Perfect Pork Rind Powder

The base of these cookies is not your traditional flour but pork rinds.The consistency and fineness of the pork rind powder are crucial for the texture of the cookies. To achieve the perfect powder:

Use a High-Power Blender or Food Processor: Ensure that the pork rinds are ground to a consistency as close to traditional flour as possible. A high-power blender or food processor can efficiently achieve this texture.

eating cookies on carnivore

2. Shaping The Cookies

Use a cookie scoop or a spoon to ensure that all your cookies are of uniform size. This not only helps in achieving a consistent baking time but also ensures that each cookie is perfectly cooked.

Leave enough space between each cookie on the baking sheet. Overcrowding can result in uneven baking and softer cookies.

carnivore cookies recipe

3. Let Them Rest

Freshly baked cookies continue the cooking process even after being removed from the oven due to residual heat.

Allowing your cookies to rest on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack ensures they set properly without becoming overcooked or too brittle.

4. Honey Glaze

Applying a honey glaze to your carnivore cookies can add a delightful sheen and a sweet, nuanced flavor that complements the savory notes of the pork rinds and butter. 

Once your cookies have cooled slightly but are still warm to the touch, use a pastry brush to gently apply the honey glaze over the tops.

The warmth of the cookies will help the glaze spread evenly and soak in slightly, creating a moist layer on the surface without making the cookies soggy.

zero carb cookies

Glaze Ideas

Here are five carnivore-friendly glaze ideas that can add a delightful finish to your cookies:

1. Butter and Honey Glaze: Melt equal parts of butter and honey together until smooth. Drizzle over the cookies for a glossy finish. This glaze combines the richness of butter with the natural sweetness of honey, complementing the savory notes of the pork rind cookies.

2. Cream Cheese and Butter Glaze: Soften equal parts of cream cheese and butter, then beat them together until smooth. Add a small amount of honey (or allulose syrup) to taste, and mix until well combined. This glaze will add a creamy, tangy layer to your cookies, providing a nice contrast to their crunchy texture.

3. Heavy Cream and Vanilla Glaze: Whip heavy cream with a bit of vanilla extract (or cake batter extract as used in the cookies) until it forms soft peaks. Sweeten slightly with honey, to taste. Dollop or spread this creamy glaze over the carnivore cookies for a rich and luxurious finish.

You’ll Love These Recipes Too

Check out these amazing carnivore reipes as well:

These carnivore cookies are the perfect sweet treat to satisfy your cravings while staying true to the carnivore diet. With just a few simple ingredients like pork rinds, eggs, and butter, you can make a batch of delicious low-carb, high-fat cookies in under 30 minutes.

Be sure to check out more easy carnivore diet recipes on the blog. Let me know in the comments if you try out this recipe or if you have any questions!

I hope these carnivore cookies hit the spot for any sweet tooth cravings while you explore the exciting world of the carnivore lifestyle.

carnivore cookies

Carnivore Cookies

Make these tasty carnivore cookies and enjoy a great cookie that is full of protein and flavor. These cookies are perfect for those on the carnivore diet.
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  • 2 large Eggs
  • 5 oz Pork Rinds (140g)
  • 1/3 cup Butter
  • 1/2 cup Honey (or use allulose syrup)
  • 3 1/2 tablespoons Collagen Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract / Cake Batter Extract
  • Preheat your oven to 350F (175C).
    Then, blend the pork rinds in a blender until they resemble a powder.
  • Place the butter in a glass container and heat it until melted.
  • Combine the butter you melted, honey (or use allulose syrup), eggs, and vanilla in a mixing bowl until the mixture is smooth.
    Then, fold in the pork rinds, salt, and collagen powder.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place a small amount of cookie dough on the parchment paper. Use a circular object to cut out the cookie dough. Repeat for the remaining batter.
  • Bake the cookies for about 14-15 minutes. After removing the cookies from the oven, let them cool down for at least 15-30 minutes.
    carnivore cookies airfryandeat
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Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Keyword carnivore cookies, carnivore diet cookies


Calories: 200kcal
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Calories: 200kcal
Cost: $15

10 thoughts on “Carnivore Cookies”

  1. 4 stars
    Simple, good, not sweet but sweet enough. I will be making them again. I think next time I’m going to try lemon colegen powder & orange extract.

  2. 5 stars
    Hi! For my carnivore diet, I don’t use honey so had none on hand. But I did have swerve powdered erythritol and mixed it with granular erythritol when I didn’t have enough powdered. The result definitely satisfies my sweet tooth! But too funny how the cookies flattened out into one big sheet that I’m breaking off like peanut brittle! Lol 😂

  3. Would there be any substitute for the pork rinds?! We don’t eat pork- but I would love to have a cookie like this in hand for when we go places and there are sweets, treats etc… any suggestions or ideas for a replacement for the pork would be greatly appreciated!! 🥰


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