Carnivore Candy

These carnivore friendly butter candies are a delightful treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your commitment to the carnivore lifestyle. These candies are not only easy to make but also offer a guilt-free snacking experience that will leave you craving more.

Carnivore Candy

The process of browning the butter enhances its nutty and caramel-like notes, creating a depth of flavor that is truly irresistible. Whether you enjoy them as a quick pick-me-up during the day or as a sweet finale to your carnivore meals, these butter candies are sure to become a staple in your recipe collection.

Preparing these carnivore butter candies is a breeze, requiring only a few simple steps and minimal ingredients. With just a couple of sticks of butter and a silicone candy mold, you’ll be on your way to creating a batch of mouthwatering treats in no time.

👍 Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Simplicity at its finest: This butter candy recipe is incredibly easy to make, requiring just one ingredient and a few simple steps. You don’t need any special cooking skills or fancy equipment to whip up a batch of these delicious treats. 

Satisfies your sweet cravings: If you’ve been longing for something sweet but don’t want to indulge in sugary snacks, these butter candies are the perfect solution. They offer a rich, creamy sweetness that will satisfy your cravings without the need for any added sugars or artificial sweeteners. 

Perfect for snacking and sharing: These butter candies are the ideal snack to enjoy anytime, anywhere. They’re small and portable, making them perfect for on-the-go snacking or packing in your lunch box. Plus, they’re so delicious that you’ll want to share them with your friends and family.


✨ Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 Butter Sticks
  • Optional: Glycine powder (I sprinkled some glycine powder over the cookies to make them look prettier and taste a little sweeter).

You will also need: a silicone candy mold.

👨‍🍳 How To Make

These carnivore candies are super easy to make. Follow these steps:

Step 1

Place the butter into a pan over medium heat.

Step 2

Once the butter melts, reduce the heat to medium-low. At this stage, the butter will foam at the top – it’s totally okay.

Step 3

Stir from time to time to avoid the butter from burning. Once it turns brown (it may take some time), remove the pan from the heat and let it cool for 7-8 minutes.

Step 4

Pour the butter into a glass cup. Make sure to scrape the pan for all the brown bits there. Stir and mix well.

Step 5

Use a silicone candy mold – pour the butter inside and freeze. Once frozen, pop them out and enjoy.

Makign Carnivore Candy


1. Be Patient and Stir Frequently

Browning butter takes time, so be patient and don’t try to rush the process by turning up the heat. Keep the heat at medium-low and stir the butter frequently to ensure even cooking and prevent burning.

As the butter melts and starts to foam, keep a close eye on it and stir often to avoid any hot spots that could cause burning.

1. Don’t Walk Away From the Stove

Butter can go from perfectly browned to burnt in a matter of minutes, so it’s essential to stay close to the stove and keep a watchful eye on the process. Don’t be tempted to multitask or walk away from the kitchen while the butter is cooking. Give it your full attention to ensure the best results.

Carnivore Candy

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Carnivore Candy

These carnivore candies are super easy to make, and they are packed with healthy fats! You can enjoy them guilt-free. Very simple to make.
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  • Silicone Candy Mold
  • 2 Butter Sticks
  • Optional: Glycine powder (I sprinkled some glycine powder over the cookies to make them look prettier and taste a little sweeter)
  • Place the butter into a pan over medium heat.
  • Once the butter melts, reduce the heat to medium-low. At this stage, the butter will foam at the top – it’s totally okay.
  • Stir from time to time to avoid the butter from burning. Once it turns brown (it may take some time), remove the pan from the heat and let it cool for 7-8 minutes.
  • Pour the butter into a glass cup. Make sure to scrape the pan for all the brown bits there. Stir and mix well.
  • Use a silicone candy mold – pour the butter inside and freeze. Once frozen, pop them out and enjoy.
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Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Keyword carnivore candy


Calories: 300kcal
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Calories: 300kcal

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