Carnivore Air Fryer Beef Short Ribs

Today, I will show you how to make tender, juicy, and incredibly flavorful beef back ribs using your air fryer. This simple recipe is perfect for those following a carnivore diet, as it requires minimal ingredients and preparation.

Carnivore Air Fryer Beef Short Ribs

However, even if you’re not on a strict meat-only diet, these ribs are sure to impress  and satisfy your cravings for a hearty, comforting meal. The air fryer’s unique cooking method ensures that the meat remains moist and tender on the inside while developing a delightfully crispy exterior.

In this step-by-step guide, I’ll walk you through the process of preparing and cooking these mouthwatering ribs. From removing the silver membrane to seasoning the meat and setting the perfect cooking time and temperature, you’ll learn all the tips and tricks needed to achieve the best results. 

👍 Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Easy to make: This recipe is incredibly simple and straightforward. With just a few ingredients and minimal preparation, you can have a delicious meal on the table in no time. The air fryer does most of the work for you.

Carnivore Air Fryer Beef Short Ribs Recipe

Tender and tasty: The combination of the air fryer’s unique cooking method and the carefully selected seasonings results in ribs that are exceptionally tender and bursting with flavor. The high heat of the air fryer helps to break down the tough connective tissues in the meat, while also creating a delightfully crispy exterior.

Perfect for carnivore: This air fryer beef back ribs recipe is an excellent addition to your meal plan. By using only salt and pepper as seasonings, you can enjoy the pure, unadulterated taste of high-quality beef without any unnecessary additives or ingredients.

✨ Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 rack of Beef Back Ribs
  • Seasonings (read note)

Note: for strict carnivore diet – use just salt and pepper. Otherwise, also use garlic powder, smoked paprika, and cumin.

👨‍🍳 How To Make

Follow this recipe to make the best carnivore short ribs in the air fryer:

Step 1

Start by peeling off the silver membrane from the back of the ribs. The best way to do this is with a boning knife – start loosening the membrane on the edge of the ribs and then carefully peel it back.

Step 2

Season both sides of the ribs generously with your chosen seasonings.

Step 3

Place the ribs in the air fryer, meat side up. If you have a basket-style air fryer, you may need to cut the rack of ribs in half to ensure a proper fit.

Step 4

Air fry the ribs at 350°F (180°C) for 30 minutes (don’t forget to preheat the air fryer first). Then, open the air fryer, flip the ribs, and continue air frying for an additional 15 minutes.

Step 5

Once done, remove the ribs from the air fryer and wrap them tightly in aluminum foil. Allow them to rest in the foil for 1 hour. After resting, slice the ribs and serve. Enjoy your delicious, tender ribs!

Beef Short Ribs


1. Flip halfway through cooking

To ensure even cooking and a crispy exterior on both sides, it’s important to flip the ribs through the cooking process. After the initial 30 minutes of cooking at 350°F, carefully open the air fryer and use tongs to flip the ribs over. Continue cooking for an additional 15 minutes to achieve perfectly tender and crispy ribs.

2. Preheat the Air Fryer

To ensure even cooking and a crispy exterior, always preheat your air fryer before adding the ribs. Set the temperature to 350°F and let the air fryer heat up for at least 5 minutes. This will help the ribs to start cooking immediately and prevent them from sticking to the basket or tray.

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