Carnivore Caramel Sauce

Are you following a carnivore diet but miss the sweet, rich flavor of caramel sauce? I have some good news! This zero-carb, carnivore-friendly caramel sauce recipe is the perfect way to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Carnivore caramel sauce

Made with just three simple ingredients – this caramel sauce is easy to make and incredibly delicious. The Gjetost cheese, a Norwegian whey cheese with a sweet, caramel-like flavor, is the star of this recipe, providing a rich, complex taste without any added sugars or carbs.

Whether you drizzle it over your favorite carnivore-friendly desserts or enjoy it straight off the spoon, this caramel sauce is sure to become a staple in your carnivore kitchen. So let’s dive in and learn how to make this indulgent treat!

👍 Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Unique and Intriguing Flavor – This caramel sauce recipe takes a delightful twist by using Gjetost cheese, offering a distinctive lavor profile that will leave you craving more.

Zero Carbs Carnivore caramel

Carnivore Diet Friendly – This zero-carb caramel sauce is the perfect indulgence for those following a carnivore lifestyle, allowing you to satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your dietary choices.

Effortless Preparation – Forget about slaving over a hot stove for hours! This caramel sauce comes together in a matter of minutes, making it the ideal treat for those impromptu dessert cravings or last-minute guest arrivals.

✨ Recipe Ingredients

To make this zero carb, carnivore friendly caramel sauce you will need:

  • 4oz (120g) Gjetost Cheese (I use this one)
  • 3.5oz (100g) Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

👨‍🍳 How To Make

Follow these steps:

Step 1

Place a pan over low heat. Put the cheese and heavy whipping cream inside. Continue stirring until melted.

Step 2

Add the vanilla extract and mix.

Step 3

Remove from the heat, transfer to a dish, and store in the refrigerator. Reheat in the microwave and stir occasionally before serving.

caramel sauce


1. Enhancing the Flavor with Vanilla

Vanilla extract is a key ingredient that elevates the flavor profile of this caramel sauce. It adds a subtle hint of warmth and depth that complements the rich, caramelized notes of the Gjetost cheese.

When adding the vanilla extract, be sure to use a high-quality, pure vanilla extract rather than artificial vanilla flavoring.

2. Achieving the Perfect Consistency

To create a smooth and silky caramel sauce, it is important to melt the Gjetost cheese and heavy whipping cream together slowly and evenly. Use a low heat setting on your stovetop and stir the mixture continuously to prevent burning or sticking to the bottom of the pan.

As the cheese melts, it may initially appear grainy or separated from the cream. Keep stirring patiently until the mixture becomes homogeneous and develops a glossy sheen. 

You’ll Love These Recipes Too

If you liked my recipe, make sure to check out these amazing carnivore recipes too:

By the way, this recipe is almost the same as the carnivore fudge recipe (same ingredients). So make sure to try both.

Carnivore Caramel Sauce

Carnivore Caramel Sauce

The best carnivore caramel sauce! Zero carbs and perfect texture and taste.
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  • 4 oz Gjetost Cheese (I use this one) (120g)
  • 3.5 oz Heavy Whipping Cream (100g) 
  • 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • Place a pan over low heat. Put the cheese and heavy whipping cream inside. Continue stirring until melted.
  • Add the vanilla extract and mix.
  • Remove from the heat, transfer to a dish, and store in the refrigerator. Reheat in the microwave and stir occasionally before serving.
    Carnivore Caramel Sauce
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Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Keyword carnivore caramel sauce


Calories: 200kcal
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4 people
Calories: 200kcal
Cost: $15

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